The Apache Mesos Cluster Manager was originally developed as a Software Project at the University of California, Berkeley as an Open Source Cluster Management System for efficient resource isolation and sharing over distributed systems and (originally named Nexus) first presented in 2009.
Many innovative Enterprises make use of the Apache Mesos Cluster Manager or Frameworks built upon Apache Mesos. Among those large software companies is twitter, airbnb, Uber, eBay and Apple. A complete list of companies using Mesos can be found at the Apache Software Foundation.
A variety of ditributed systems is built on Apache Mesos, including Apache Aurora, Marathon and Chronos.
Apache Aurora is a service scheduler running on top of Apache Mesos, enabling long running services and cron jobs taking advantage of Mesos' scalability and fault-tolerance.
Marathon is a private Platform as a Service (PaaS) that can handle hardware or software failure automatically and thus ensure an "Always On" Mode fpr mission-critical use cases.
Chronos - a distributed job scheduling software - can be used as a fault-tolerant cron alternative supports complex job topologies and dependencies between jobs.
Many more Frameworks and Mesos Plugins can be found listed at the Apache Software Foundation.
Use Cases for Apache Mesos
Apple is using their own Mesos Framework named Jarvis for Siri, Airbnb uses Mesos to run a large number of data processing systems like Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark. eBay is replacing Virtual Machines for their developers with a Mesos based solution, due to prior bad resource usage. And largest US based telecom corp Verizon chose the Mesos-based Datacenter Operating System Mesosphere as their nationwide platform for data center service orchestration.
Apache Mesos Consultants
If you need help implementing your mission-critical business use cases on enterprise level, call the Mesos experts from Clouds Sky. Learn how to reduce costs and use your data center more efficiently using Apache Mesos.