Business Intelligence & Cloud BI Solutions

The term Business Intelligence (abbreviated BI) focusses in business informatics on methods and processes for systematic collection, evaluation and presentation of electronic data. For companies, data about competitors, market development and about their own company is of interest in order to optimize operational and strategic decisions.

The goal of Business Intelligence is to make business processes and customer / supplier relationships more profitable, reduce costs, minimize risks and increase added value. The largest providers of business intelligence solutions (SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, and SAS Institute) provide their customers with both data management and business intelligence tools. Clear market leader is SAP with € 317 million in 2014 (total volume of the market in 2014: € 1.48 billion).


Cloud BI

BARC, one of the leading independent market analysis and consulting firms for business software and IT in Europe, sees Cloud BI as one of the current trends for 2017. The background is the steadily growing demand in medium-sized companies to support business-critical processes by means of systematic data analysis.

The idea of offering Business Intelligence as Software as a Service (SaaS) from the cloud arose because small to mid-sized companies shy away from the time and money spent, as well as complicated installation and upgrade processes, to implement their own business intelligence solution.

With Cloud BI, solutions are offered as a direct rental service, enabling laypersons to perform detailed data analysis and reporting through an intuitive menu-driven interface. The problem with Cloud BI solutions is data security. In particular, German companies are considered to be very critical and reluctant to upload highly sensitive BI data to the Internet and entrust it to a cloud system whose locations may be spread over half the world.

In addition, the EU data protection law requires that personal data remain in the European area. Almost all major cloud service providers therefore guarantee the data storage in European data centers.

Another hurdle to overcome is the high volume of data required for business intelligence analysis. These need to be transferred to the cloud for smaller companies with relatively low Internet bandwidths. The solution is to create hybrid models that store data samples relevant to the analysis and the BI front-end in the cloud, but the majority of the data is stored locally.

Last but not least, there is also talk of individualization. Because cloud solutions are often highly standardized, they offer less customizing options than in-house solutions. This is remedied by providers through a PaaS (Platform as a Service) cloud. Customers will be provided with a cloud-ready BI platform that they can customize to their needs.


Are you also looking for a suitable Cloud BI solution? Then contact us at  +49 221 960 28 202 or . Our experts in the field of cloud computing will be pleased to advise you.

Hannover in Zahlen und Fakten

Hannover ist die Landeshauptstadt und größte Stadt des Bundeslandes Niedersachsen. Hannover hat das größte Messegelände der Welt und ist international bekannt für die Hannover Messe (die weltweit bedeutendste Industriemesse) und die CeBIT.

Hannover ist Firmensitz diverser Industriekonzerne. Stark vertreten sind die Branchen KFZ und -Zulieferer, sowie Fahrzeug- und Maschinenhersteller. Bekannte Namen sind der DAX Konzern Continental AG und Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge

In Hannover gibt es insgesamt 9 Hochschulen. Neben der Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität, der Medizinischen und Tierärztlichen Hochschule gibt es die Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien, die Hochschule Hannover sowie eine Reihe von Fachhochschulen.

Bekannte Bauwerke in Hannover sind das Neue Rathaus (und das alte Rathaus in der Altstadt), die Marktkirche, das Leineschloss sowie das Künstlerhaus und an moderner zeitgenössischer Architektur etwa das Verwaltungsgebäude der Nord/LB, der Gehry Tower und das Medienzentrum Hannover von Mendidni.

Hannovers Telefon Vorwahl ist die 0511 und die Postleitzahlen von Hannover sind von 30159 bis 30669

We are offering you Business Intelligence also at:

Aachen, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Köln, Leverkusen, München, Münster, Stuttgart

Let's Talk

Feel free to call us at anytime, we're looking forward to hearing from you:
Phone: +49 221 960 28 202