Mobile Devices - Development of Web Apps and Native Apps for Smartphones & Tablets

Having your own mobile App for Smartphones (iPhone or Android) and tablets nowadays offers enterprises a new, extended approach to customer relationship management. Your company logo placed on the touchscreen of potential clients interested in your products or services you can directly address your privileged customers with extra info, special sales offers for your VIP clients only available through the mobile App (nethertheless accessing your E-Commerce platform backbone system) or fancy high tech features like chat bots, breaking down complex ordering processes to a simple line of text.

Framework based Development of Mobile Web Apps

Even a simple mobile Apps, offering the same, slected or extended content like the company website does (that's why they are called web apps) could be a good alternative or add on to your website's browserbased mobile version. Even e-commerce functionality from an existing shop or e-commerce platform could be ported to a mobile web app and afterwards be extended step by step with extra add on functionality.

Platform independendent web apps could be built quick reusing existing HTML5 elements and through Frameworks like Apache Cordova target multiple platforms like iOs, Android, Windows, Fire Os with one code base. More pros are: Your mobile app doesn't need AppStore review and validation, which might be obsolete if the mobile web app is for internal use only and thus could be published and updated quickly.

Developing mobile Native Apps for iPhone, iPad or Android

Native mobile Apps are written in the programming language preferred by the vendor, which means Java for Android devices and Objective-C or Cocoa for Apple's iOs on iPhone or iPad. This means double trouble when you want to support both major platforms: One native App programmed for iPhone and iPad and another Java App for Android.

Native mobile apps offer access to hardware-related functionality like Camera, GPS or Phonebook contact details through the Manufacturers SDKs (Software Development Kit) API. Furthermore native mobile Apps offer direct (3D) graphics programming which could be high priority to mobile games.

Offering your native mobile App at the official AppStores might increase popularity of your product and company, when downloads rank high and your app earns recommendation through users or the AppStore itself.

You got the idea - we got the know how

Talk to us , when you need a high skilled flexible development team to put your mobile app to work. If your mobile App is just for internal use or in addition to your company's regular online activities or e-commerce platform. Or if you own a start up with a brilliant idea and need help in the realization of the needed frontend and backend functionality.

Even the most popular mobile Apps like WhatsApp or Pokemon Go are just the successful software implementation of some flash of genius.

Use cases and examples for mobile app development

Let's Talk

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Phone: +49 221 960 28 202