What is Big Data?

Big data are a large amount of data which are generally too huge, too complex, too little structured, lose to quick its significance and expire so that they can´t be evaluated with the common methods of data analysis.

Big Data are the mountains of data that are generated every day in companies in different departments and from the most varied systems. Big Data also includes the vast amount of unstructured data, which can be found in any kind of text files, notes, memos, but also in the communication of a company as surveys, comments, inquiries or just movement patterns on the website. Or there are data

that arise in direct communication via social networks or beyond the official channels in the background noise of social networks.

Big Data is becoming more and more important in a data-driven business world that is trying to identify the latest trends from a constantly increasing data volume and to predict the behavior of potential customers in terms of product development and improvement.

Big Data is also the number of data that will be produced by a swarm of diverse electronic systems, mobile devices, sensors and actuators in the Internet of the Things (IoT).

With the right Big Data solutions companies can take advantage of these accumulated data by adapting and optimizing business processes, and develop new, exciting products and services.

Cloud-based Big Data solutions based on Hadoop and Apache Spark

Capture and analyze the data in your company with our Big Data solutions based on Apache Hadoop and Spark. With our cloud-based Hadoop service you can analyze any amount of structured and unstructured data from a wide range of sources and systems (including your existing CRM systems, call centers, or SAP applications) with the Big-Data-Mining and us the gained insights to adjust you processes, identify new business areas and increase the client satisfaction.  Use your insights from Big Data do reduce costs and provide critical data in real-time. Big Data is the up-to-date solution to react quickly and data-based to critical events and to make quick and profitable decisions in business life. 

Has your company already raised its data treasure?

We help you to choose the right technology and cloud platform that allows your company to enjoy quickly the benefits of Big Data Mining. We take care of the entire technological component. You bring up the data we bring the know-how.

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Phone: +49 221 960 28 202