Cloud Computing describes the provision of computing power, storage space, and executable software over the network without the need to procure local machines or servers and install software packages. With cloud computing, the entire IT infrastructures can be configured as needed. The configuration and use of the cloud computing is based on interfaces and protocols via a browser GUI from any computer. For many commercial products the billing is often per license based on usage.
The National Institutes of Standards and Technology's NIST Definition of Cloud Computing defines various service models and delivery types. Following this widespread quasi-standard, the following service models for cloud computing are defined:
Software as a Service (SaaS). This service model enables the user to use applications provided by cloud computing providers running on their cloud infrastructure. These can be proprietary software applications or SaaS solutions of common software packages, such as Office365 from Microsoft. The applications are accessed either directly via the browser or via a (downloadable) program interface.
Platform as a Service (PaaS).This cloud computing service model is aimed at developers and development companies or large IT departments at huge groups. The user is provided with a complete development environment as a platform for the development of cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) and web services for portals and intranets. For every application case matching PaaS solutions without setting up IDEs, runtime environments and unnecessary administration can be found here ...
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). The cloud computing service provider provides the user with tailored or scalable resources, such as computing power, storage space and networks, on which the customer can install diverse operating systems and applications according to their requirements. In this point, comparable to the acquisition of its own server or data center, but cloud-based and staggered depending on the cloud computing provider usage or time-dependent. This helps to avoid high investments and one-off expenses for expensive hardware. You only pay for the used devices.
Ask us in a free initial consultation, which cloud computing solution is right for your company or your authority. We help you with the appropriate selection of suitable cloud technology platforms, cloud computing service models and cloud computing provisioning models.
Die Millionenstadt Köln ist die viertgrößte Stadt Deutschlands und die bevölkerungsreichste Stadt des Bundeslandes Nordrhein-Westfalen. Weltbekanntes Wahrzeichen der Metropole am Rhein ist der Kölner Dom, seit 1996 Weltkulturerbe der UNESCO
Köln ist Messestadt mit zahlreichen international renommierten wie gamescom, Anuga oder Art Cologne. Wirtschaftlich dominiert der Dienstleistungssektor, sowohl nach Bechäftigten wie auch an Bruttowertschöpfung. Neben Großunternehmen wie Ford, REWE und vielen Versicherungen bietet Köln auch viele StartUps aus den unterschiedlichsten Branchen und bietet als Spitzenreiter in der Digitalen Entwicklung (2015) ideale Bedingungen für die IT Branche. Mit der Universität zu Köln und der TH Köln, sowie zahlreichen weiteren Hochschulen bildet Köln als größter Bildungs- und Forschungsstandort der Region auch kontinuierlich qualifizierten Nachwuchs aus.
Köln und seine 86 Veedel haben die Postleitzahlen von 50667 bis 51149 und die Telefon Vorwahl 0221.
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